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Why I write 05/03/24

Writing the for my dotfiles opened my eyes to the true benefits of writing down my thoughts. I finally understood the enormous benefit of actually sitting down and trying to paint a coherent picture of how and why I use the computer the way I do.

It is so easy to forget that writing, above all, serves you.

I found resonance with a piece by ajkprojects, which argues that writing becomes truly enjoyable when you forget about audience expectations (read it here).

Writing primarily for an audience can drain the joy out of expressing your true thoughts. It wasn’t until I let go of my concerns about how others would perceive my words that my own ideas became clear to me.

It's not that I'm indifferent to others' opinions—I'm actually quite curious about their responses. However, when I'm writing, I focus solely on articulating my thoughts. This approach not only helps me relax but also clarifies my ideas, making it easier to express them, something I've often struggled with.

Here's to finding joy in the things we choose to pursue, and if they happen to benefit others, that's a bonus we can only be grateful for.