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Doing what needs to be done 02/26/24

I do what needs to be done.

When do I do it? Now, of course! No time like the present, I guess. I have to finish my tasks. Work calls? Better get to it! Walk the dog? Sure, she needs her time outside. But what do I nee--The minute I get back, I better open that PR I've been postponing before the sprint ends. I also need to remember to go through the shopping list and fill the kitchen so I can--make dinner! Damn, I forgot! Better pick something healthy and nutritious and start prepping. When I'm done with that, I can finally catch up on my messages.

Crap. A message from the plumber, wait, that's tomorrow?! I need to clear out the kitchen sink before I go to bed. Oh. It's 23:59. Well, better do it now then, after that, I should go to bed. Maybe I can squeeze in a few hours before I fall asleep to work on the game I'm developing? That would be nice...

Dang it, I fell asleep! OK, I'm up, time to walk the dog again. I better leave early before my daily meeting starts, I'll let the team know that today I'll definitely open that PR. I need to think about how I--Crap! Who's at the door? Oh, it's the plumber. Well, better take a break to do that.

Phew! Glad I'm done with that, now I can catch up on the latest and greatest in programming, don't want to be left behind, I have to get to that! I wonder if I have some spare cash for that new monitor I wanted, I should do my bills to find out. Gotta do them while I can, doing them will make doing things with money much simpler. Simple is good, better to do simple things than complex ones. Yes, doing sure is satisfying, it's way easier than knowing that's for sure.

Knowing is hard. To know why you're doing something is utterly different than actually doing it. Knowing is irrelevant. It interrupts the doing part.

Lately, I've been doing some thinking - once you stop asking "why," you quickly stop thinking about the "what" as well.

You don't need to know "what" when all of the doing in front of you still needs to be done!

The question is what happens after that, when you're done.

So, what do you want to do now?

Well, nothing, I guess. Just wait around for some more things to do.

That'll do. For now.